Natural Osteoporosis Solutions You Need to Know About

Natural Osteoporosis Solutions You Need to Know About

You may have heard about osteoporosis, but what do you really know about this condition? Keep reading to find out more about the signs and symptoms of osteoporosis. Plus, get more information on what it is, what it means for your health, and what you need to know about osteoporosis prevention.

What Is Osteoporosis?

You may have heard about osteoporosis, but what do you really know about this condition? Keep reading to find out more about the signs and symptoms of osteoporosis. Plus, get more information on what it is, what it means for your health, and what you need to know about osteoporosis prevention.

This bone disease is a less severe version of osteoporosis. But it should still be taken very seriously. Women who receive an osteopenia diagnosis represent almost half of the bone fractures that are seen in the ER every day.

What Is Osteopenia?

This bone disease is a less severe version of osteoporosis. But it should still be taken very seriously. Women who receive an osteopenia diagnosis represent almost half of the bone fractures that are seen in the ER every day.

Symptoms of Osteopenia:

What Are the Symptoms of Osteoporosis?

There are a few signs to look for when it comes to osteoporosis. If you are suffering from any of these symptoms, consult with your physician right away:

What Causes Osteoporosis?

Bone diseases occur when bone tissue weakens significantly. This weakening of bones naturally happens as you age. After age 40, it is estimated that we lose 1% bone density per year until the end of our lives. However, it can be as much as 2% per year in the first decade after menopause.

Our bones experience a shedding process. In the first 40 years of life, we are able to build up more bone mass before older tissue can dissipate. This is why your bones are much stronger in your youth. After age 40, bones start to lose tissue much quicker than your body can put more on. This process may lead to osteoporosis without proper treatment.

All older adults will eventually have osteopenia. This is when the bones become slightly more fragile and have less bone mineral density than usual. This is a normal part of aging. The bones slowly weaken, but they can still withstand normal things.

When the condition worsens to osteoporosis, it means the bones have become so fragile that they can break at any time. The good news is, you can do something to treat and even prevent osteoporosis from happening to you.

Drugs That May Cause Osteoporosis

Nature isn’t the only culprit. Some medications may also increase your risk of developing osteoporosis. Medications like steroids and cortisone are known to deplete bone mass. So are some cancer treatments, heartburn relievers, and some epilepsy medications.

In some cases, the benefit outweighs the cost. Discontinuing a medication may not be an option for you. But adding a supplement to prevent osteoporosis is an excellent alternative you should discuss with your physician.

Osteoporosis Risk Factors

In addition to medications, there are other risk factors for developing osteoporosis as you age.

Health Conditions

If you suffer from blood, endocrine, or hormonal disorders, you may be at an increased risk for osteoporosis. Certain gastrointestinal conditions, cancers, mental illnesses, and menopause are also risk factors for osteoporosis.


Women are more likely to suffer from osteoporosis, especially during or after menopause. Hormonal fluctuations or conditions can increase your risk of developing osteoporosis. Nearly 80% of osteoporosis patients are women.


Being overweight or having gastric bypass surgery also puts you at increased risk for developing osteoporosis as you age.

Poor Lifestyle Habits

Smoking, consuming too much alcohol or eating an unhealthy diet also contribute to your risk of developing osteoporosis. A calcium-deficient diet is also a major culprit for the development of osteoporosis.


If you are over 40, your risk of developing osteoporosis increases every day. Women over 65 are at the highest risk as are women over age 60 with at least one of the increased risk factors. It is important to discuss prevention tips with your physician.

Family History

As with almost anything, your genetics play a role, too. Developing osteoporosis may also be a condition to which you are predisposed. If someone in your family has osteoporosis, your risk is higher than someone else.


Caucasians and Southeast Asians represent the majority of osteoporosis cases. Though at a slightly lower risk, African American men and women are also at a higher risk than other races

Breast Cancer

Having breast cancer and undergoing chemotherapy puts women at an increased risk for developing osteoporosis later in life. Because a reduction in estrogen leads to bone loss, it is best to try to lower your risk through dietary changes and calcium supplements.

There are many health conditions and lifestyle factors that put individuals at risk for osteoporosis. Some of these risk factors are simply out of your control. That doesn’t mean you necessarily have to suffer. Speak with your doctor about what you can do to help prevent osteoporosis from happening to you.

Is Osteoporosis Reversible?

Yes, osteoporosis can be reversed. Even if you suffer from osteopenia, you will not necessarily suffer from osteoporosis – as long as you make changes to treat it! Takin in more calcium and modifying your lifestyle habits can make a huge difference and even reverse osteoporosis altogether.

Natural Osteoporosis Solutions

There are many ways you can prevent or reverse osteoporosis naturally. Here are a few ideas:

Calcium Supplements

Calcium supplements are not medications. They are high doses of a vitamin that you need. As you age, your body produces far less vitamin D. This vitamin is what allows your body to absorb calcium. Because old age may mean a vitamin D deficiency, it also means less calcium is being absorbed.

To counter this problem, most calcium supplements also contain vitamin D to help your body take in as much calcium as it needs – an amount it may not be able to absorb through a calcium-rich diet alone. Supplements for bone healing and bone health can help you prevent osteoporosis.

Algae Calcium

A plant-based calcium, this form of calcium is taken from – you guessed it – algae! The benefit of algae calcium is that it is much easier for your body to absorb. Since the algae pre-digests the calcium, the body does not have to work to break it down first and then extract it.

Calcium usually comes from rock, which is very difficult for the body to process. As you age, your calcium absorption rapidly declines. Algae calcium can help restore calcium in your bones quickly.

Other Natural Osteoporosis Solution and Prevention Options


Adding a stable exercise routine into your life is essential for so many reasons. It can benefit your health in many ways, including reducing your risk of developing osteoporosis.

Healthy Diet
A diet that is low in processed sugars and high in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables is key. Eating healthy foods will drastically reduce your risk of osteoporosis.
Quitting Smoking

Smoking can cause a chronic lung condition known as COPD – Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. This disease puts you at greater risk for osteoporosis – among other health complications. For your sake, nip that habit in the bud as soon as possible.


Intaking more natural calcium will help add density and strength to your bones. Turn to foods or supplements that are high in calcium to help prevent osteoporosis or reverse it.

Can You Be Too Young for Osteoporosis?

While many patients receive a diagnosis in their golden years, younger people are not exempt from developing osteoporosis. The list of risk factors is a long one, putting the majority of the population at risk. You may feel fine, but osteoporosis can sneak up on you in no time.

Especially if you are taking a medication that increases your risk for developing osteoporosis or have had certain illnesses in the past – like breast cancer – you may notice symptoms much earlier than you think.


If you suspect you may be at risk for developing osteoporosis, visit your physician and ask for a bone density test. Blood tests to verify your body’s vitamin D, calcium, and omega 3 levels may also be beneficial.

If you are unable to stop taking medications that increase your risk of osteoporosis, don’t fret. You don’t have to suffer. Start taking supplements that will help prevent bone loss, even if you think you are still too young to worry about osteoporosis.

Always check with your physician before adding any new supplements, vitamins, or medications into your routine. If you feel you suffer any of the osteoporosis symptoms mentioned above or at a greater risk than the general public, do not hesitate to reach out to your physician.

Early intervention and prevention are ideal. However, if you are already past that point, you can still reverse osteoporosis. Check with your doctor today.


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